Balance Essential Thin Delta Breast Form – Ivory

Even the smallest breast asymmetry sometimes needs to be balanced. So Amoena has created the Balance Essential Thin Delta, a breast shaper for use after breast conserving surgery, radiation or reconstruction, or for women with naturally uneven breasts. Rather than undergo multiple surgeries to fix asymmetry, a breast shaper provides a simple solution which can positivlely influence her body image and her state of mind. Balance Thin Delta is especially thin, a silicone shell that covers the whole breast comfortably, to fill in wherever it’s needed.

  • Balance Essential Thin Delta 218 – a triangle shaped thin silicone breast shaper
  • Symmetrical triangle with a rounded footprint and curved back for a perfect fit
  • Covers the whole breast, and is only 1 cm thick in the center, across all sizes
  • Thin, tapered edges for a smooth transition to the chest wall
  • Small channels in the back provide an anatomical curve as well as more fitting flexibility

Sizes: 1 – 10

Material: PU Film, Silicone